Each of us have within us the ability to create companies, products and content to INSPIRE and help to UNITE the world.
This is our calling, to be of service to the world. There is a voice within you, a passion, a calling that is dying to be expressed.
You will be supported by invisible hands once you find your passion, decide to be of service and help to solve other people’s problems.
Your only job is to give yourself unwaveringly to your passion and to work as hard as you can to make it happen. 50 percent of the journey will be your hard work and risk taking. The other 50 percent is the Uni-verse playing it’s role to help you.
Find out your passion. Be of service. Solve problems. Work you butt off. Have faith. Watch the miracles show up.
When you take the Uni-verse and it’s vision for your life seriously, it will take you seriously as well.
-Mastin Kipp